Welcome. We are so glad your path led you to this space. 

"Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. 

It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare." 

~ Audre Lorde

Picture You seeing You in the not-so-distant future. 

The weight that you have had on your shoulders has been lifted and shifted. 

Your mind is free and clear and at peace, and the vision you have for you and those you love is shining through. You are holding and accepting multiple parts of yourself and the commitments you have made to you. Caring for yourself is no longer elusive and beyond your reach; in fact, it is something you are now adamant is a necessity to your life and you do so consciously and intentionally. You are doing, feeling, and living your fullest and most unapologetic self.


Can you imagine yourself in this future? We can. 

Diasporic Healing

diasporic: pronounced dy-uh-spor-ik. being of the diaspora; a group of people connected by commonalities of ancestry, culture, experiences, etc. dispersed across the globe.

healing: pronounced hee-ling. can be an action or practice. far from being a destination; a journey during which one finds themself well, at peace, and free, after and despite injury.

Diasporic Healing was founded with a full heart, a place for healers of the diaspora to offer their gifts to support the healing of the diasporic family. We are committed to supporting you in learning, practicing, and centering your healing. Our healing is, in fact, political, and it is imperative we hold true that walking the path to healing impacts us on the individual and collective levels for generations to come.